
Privacy policy

This information is in english below.
Personvernet ditt er viktig for oss, og denne personvernerklæringen beskriver hvordan NH Corporate samler inn og bruker personopplysninger. Personvernserklæringen baserer seg på lovverket i Norge, hvor NH Corporate holder til.

Innsamling av informasjon   

  • Informasjon fra registrering av CV-profil og oppdatering(er) av profilen via “min side”, samt IP-adresse.
  • Hvis du søker på stilling eller registrerer din profil gjennom “Søk med LinkedIn”-funksjonen eller “Søk med jobreg”-funksjonen så vil systemet hente inn tilgjengelig informasjon fra profilen din i den tjenesten du autentiserer med, og denne informasjonen blir da lagret på din profil.

  • Vi samler inn data i aggregert form for besøkende av siden, for eksempel trafikkdata, lokasjonsdata etc.

  • I noen tilfeller vil vi lagre e-postkorrespondansen når du kontakter oss.

  • Systemet setter cookies (informasjonskapsler) i nettleseren, som beskrevet i dokumentet for bruk av informasjonskapsler.

Hvordan informasjonen brukes
Informasjonen som samles inn brukes hvor det er nødvendig for å:
  • Levere våre tjenester til deg og å kommunisere rundt disse tjenestene med deg.

  • Gjøre en vurdering av dine kvalifikasjoner og fasilitering i forbindelse med nåværende og fremtidige rekrutteringsoppdrag eller bemanningsoppdrag.

  • Informere om relevante muligheter og ytelser vi tilbyr.

  • Overholde lovmessige forpliktelser.
  • Innhenter IP-adresse gjøres av sikkerhetsmessige hensyn, slik at du som kandidat kan få oversikt over hvilke IP-adresser som har logget inn på din konto.

Behandlingsansvarlig og databehandler
NH Corporate er behandlingsansvarlig, og er de som eier data som blir lagt inn i systemet. Som databehandler står Recruitment Manager AS for systemløsningen, og utvikler, drifter og vedlikeholder systemet hvor dataen din ligger. Recruitment Manager AS benytter underleverandører til å utføre databehandleroppgaver.

Det foreligger en egen databehandleravtale mellom NH Corporate og Recruitment Manager AS som regulerer hvilken informasjon databehandler har tilgang til og hvordan informasjonen skal behandles.


NH Corporate vil som sagt kunne behandle dine personopplysninger. Opplysninger om deg vil også kunne bli presentert for kunder og andre samarbeidspartnere av NH Corporate, og der behandlingsansvarlig eller databehandler er forpliktet å gjøre dette som følge av lovpålagte krav.

For å kunne bruke dataen din på en effektiv måte, og for å tilby deg de beste tjenestene er det i enkelte tilfeller nødvendig å sende opplysninger til tredjeparter. Disse tredjepartene har separate og uavhengige retningslinjer for personvern. NH Corporate har ikke ansvar for innholdet og aktivitetene til de tilknyttede tjenestene. Likevel ønsker vi å beskytte integriteten til tjenestene vi leverer, og tar gjerne imot tilbakemeldinger på disse områdene.

Innsyn, endring eller sletting av dine personopplysninger

Du har, som registrert i systemet, rett til å kreve innsyn, retting og sletting som beskrevet i personopplysningslovens § 18 samt §§ 27 og 28. Kravet skal besvares kostnadsfritt og senest innen 30 dager.

Ønsker du å trekke tilbake din aksept så gjøres det ved å at du sletter din egen profil.

Som kandidat kan du når som helst slette din egen profil inne fra “Din profil” i systemet, eller du kan ta kontakt med NH Corporate for bistand med det. Fra din profil kan du også endre på informasjon du har lagt inn på din profil i systemet.

Ønsker du innsyn i informasjon NH Corporate har på deg, eller dersom du har spørsmål eller innspill til vår behandling av personopplysninger, kan du kontakte din kontaktperson hos oss eller på epost til info@nh-aps.com.


Privacy Policy


Protecting your privacy is very important to NH Bemanding, and we want to keep your personal data secure. Below, you will find information on how we collect and store your personal data. In connection with you providing us with your personal data, you agree to this Policy and consent to the processing as described below.

Any changes to this privacy policy can be found by visiting NH Bemandings website, Privacy Policy.

All questions regarding this Policy, the processing of your information and suspicion of non-compliance must be addressed to the HR department in the first instance: info@nh-aps.com
Data Controller

NH Bemanding is the data controller of the personal data that you send to us, and is responsible for this data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

NH Bemanding ApS
Trekronergade 17
DK-2500 Valby
Tel.: +45 92 44 45 34
Email: info@nh-aps.com
VAT ID: DK-38792334


Below are definitions of some of the most important personal data protection concepts:

When processing data, we mean the following:
1. Register:
a. Data is created in our IT system
2. How we treat data:
a. We correct and add in data in our IT system
b. We search your data
c. We send confirmations to customers that contain parts of your data
d. We print parts of your data.
e. We transfer parts of your data to our payroll and finance system
f. We use parts of your data for statistics and other reports
3. Storage
a. We store your data in our system and possibly. on paper
b. We store your data in our backup systems

Personal information
Any form of information about an identified or identifiable person. That is, any information that directly or indirectly, alone or in combination, can identify a particular person.

Data Controller
The person or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that alone or with others determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.

Data Processor
The person or legal person, public authority, institution or other body processing personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.

Any activity or series of activities that involve the use of Personal Information, eg collection, registration, systematisation, modification, search, assembly, transfer or disclosure to persons, authorities, companies etc. outside the Company.

Special Categories of Personal Information
Information on racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union affiliation, genetic data, health information or information on a physical person’s sexual relationship or sexual orientation, as well as information in the form of biometric data, if biometric data is processed for the purpose of unambiguous identification a natural person (sensitive information).

Privacy Regulation
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free exchange of such data and cancelation of Directive 95/46 / EC and related regulation.

The Data Protection Act
The Act on Supplementary Provisions to the Regulation on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Exchange of Such Data (Data Protection Act), adopted on 17 May 2018.

Personal data that is being processed
We process the personal data you provide or have submitted to us via email or our website, such as when you register to subscribe to information from NH Bemanding, when you are applying for a job vacancy that we have advertised, when you sign up for an event organised by us, or when you contact us via email for other matters. We also process certain information collected by means of cookies on our website.

The personal data we can access and process is the data that you choose to provide to us, such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address, civic registration (personal ID) number and gender. In the context of a recruitment process, we ask applicants to upload their CV and a personal letter, and may then process the personal data contained in such documents, such as photographs, educational background and personal interests/hobbies.

Depending on jobs, we treat the following types of data in our systems

Common data: Name, address, telephone number, e-mail etc.
Confidential data: Social security number, pay and financial conditions, tax matters, sick days, service conditions, family relationships, social conditions, criminal offenses such as criminal and child certificates etc.
Sensitive data: Photo of you, union, possibly. health conditions

In some cases your personal data have been supplemented by information retrieved from other sources, including searches via publically available search engines, sector specific newsletters, social media etc. e.g. for the purpose of confirming your current professional position or to obtain complementary information required to fulfil our duties towards you.

When you are a customer with us, we collect the following general Personal Information from you: Name, address, postal code, city, mobile number, e-mail address, registration and account number. Depending on your relationship with us, we collect information about your CPR no. if you need to get paid from us. When you are an employee with us, we collect the following general Personal Information from you: Name, address, postal code, city, mobile number, e-mail address, registration and account number, CV information, driver’s license number, information about nearest relatives.

When you visit our site and click around our universe, we collect your IP address.

We collect this Personal Information from others about you:

In some cases, it is necessary for us to collect Personal Information about you from other TAX and other public authorities or pension companies. We collect this information in order to to be able to comply with applicable law and honor an agreement with you.

Purpose and usage

You own the right to your data and you must give us permission and thus the right to process your data. You do this by approving this consent statement.
The purpose of processing your data is that we can find jobs and substitutes that fit your requirements, wishes and qualifications. Furthermore, we must be able to calculate and pay wages for you when you are sent out to work with our customers.
Our processing of your data thus serves this purpose, and we only process data that is relevant and sufficient for this purpose.

Depending on whether you are a customer, business partner or employee with us, or perhaps just a user of our website, we are obliged to treat your Personal Information to such an extent that we may provide you with the services you request and partly that we can live up to the obligations we have as NH Bemanding ApS. This applies both to handling your possible purchases of services or goods with us, and / or when we need to manage your information as an employee / substitute with us. It may also be in your use of our customer service and / or in connection with our marketing to you

We collect information provided to us by or on behalf of our existing, prospective or past customers, suppliers, partners, employees and others or generated by us in the course of us carrying out our daily operations as an installation and service company. This collection of data is based on our legitimate interest as an installation and service company conducting our business.

The information can be used to respond to queries and send you the material/information that you indicated that you wish to receive from NH Bemanning. The data can be used to fulfil our commitments to you in connection with signing up for an activity organised by us or by one of our partners. The data can also be used for statistical purposes, marketing, customer surveys, newsletters and for identification. Marketing communications and the dissemination of newsletters may occur via SMS, e-mail or post. You are at any time entitled to stop any further marketing or receiving promotional materials from us. If you want to suspend/cancel the marketing, please follow the instructions in the marketing material or contact us by sending an e-mail to: info@nh-aps.com

In connection with recruitment, NH Bemanding will need to process your personal data in order to document information about your educational background and previous experience, to prepare and conduct the recruitment process, as well as (if applicable) to prepare and enter into an employment contract.

In addition, the personal data you have submitted and we have collected may be used for the purpose of making improvements to our website, testing and improving the systems providing our services, preventing abuse and inappropriate use of our systems, services and website, as well as to analyse visitor behaviour on our website.

In connection with the processing, your personal data may become accessible to other companies and third-party service providers. This is dealt with, with the utmost of care, and is always preceded by NH Bemanding entering into a “personal data processing agreement” with such external party, where its processing of your personal data is governed for the purpose of ensuring that the external parties comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well as the other instructions NH Bemanding provides concerning the processing and storage of personal data.

This is how we treat your pesonal informaiton

Specifically, we use your Personal Information for several different purposes, depending on whether you are a customer or employee with us, or if you are just a user of our website.

If you are a customer with us, we will use your Personal Information to:
– provide the functionality of our website to you;
– submit order confirmations to you;
– answer your any questions and comply with your requests;
– be able to execute your orders;
– be able to handle customer relationship management with you;
– be able to send you marketing material if this is also in accordance with the marketing law in force at any time;

If you are an employee with us, we use your Personal Information to:
– be able to manage our employment agreement;
– be able to send you necessary information about your employment relationship;
– be able to send you marketing material if this is also in accordance with the marketing law in force at any time;
– be able to document your experiences in the form of CV information and various educational and course certificates;

Our employees and IT data processors have access to your data and are therefore subject to confidentiality clauses. Our employees and IT data processors can basically see all your data in our system.

When you accept a job, we send some of your data to our customers. We do this so that the customer can see who you are and thus recognize you when you meet at work. The data that we send to a customer in connection with a job or a temporary post are as follows:

First name, gender and photo
Possibly. last name
Possibly. your address
Possibly. your age
Possibly. your qualifications
When you have worked for us and are thus entitled to pay, we will of course transfer relevant data to our pay system and thus also send parts of your data to SKAT and other authorities. This is mandatory in the law and thus does not require your consent.

If you are a partner with us, we will use your Personal Information to:
– be able to honor the deal we have with you;

If you are the sole user of our website, we use your Personal Information to
– be able to provide the functionality of our website to you;
– compile statistics on your move on our website;
– optimize the layout of our website;

Retention period

We will save your personal data as long as we have your consent to do this and it is necessary in order to fulfil the above purposes, or as long as we are required to do so by law. Thereafter, your personal data will be deleted.

The grounds allowing us to process your personal data

When we process your personal data, we do so on the basis of

  1. a) the consent you have provided; or
  2. b) that processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party or in order to take steps necessary to enter into a contract with you; or
  3. c) that processing is necessary for compliance with legal obligation we are subject to; or
  4. d) that we have a legitimate interest of the processing and such interest is not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection.

If processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw this consent at any time.


The personal data we collect from you is stored in the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Your personal data will not be transferred to or processed in a country outside of the EEA.

Your rights

You are entitled to request information about the personal data we process about you at any time. If the information we have about you is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you can ask to have this corrected and/or deleted. However we cannot delete your personal data in instances where is a statutory requirement that we retain it. You are also entitled to receive your personal data in a structured, generally-used and machine-readable format, and have the right to transfer this information to another personal data controller. You can revoke your consent allowing us to use your personal data at any time. To do so, contact us by sending an e-mail to: info@nh-aps.com

If for some reason you are dissatisfied with how we process your personal data, you have the right to report this to the applicable supervisory authority (Datatilsynet in Denmark and Norway).

Access to personal data

Your personal data may be shared between companies within the NH Bemaning group. We never forward, sell or exchange your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. Any data forwarded to third parties is used only to enable NH Bemanding to perform the services for which personal data was collected, for instance to a media agency for the distribution of newsletters or financial reports. Only those individuals who need to have access to your personal data in order to perform the purposes described above will have access to it.

Protection of your personal data 

NH Bemanding has taken technical and organisational measures to protect your data from loss, manipulation and unauthorised access. NH Bemanding monitors the systems on a regular basis in order to ensure that your data is secure and protected.


From time to time, our website may contain links to other sites that are not owned or controlled by NH Bemanding . This Policy applies only to NH Bemanding’s websites, and NH Bemanding assumes no responsibility for the protection of confidentiality or the contents on websites that you can access via such link. When you leave NH Bemanding’s website, be sure to read that website’s corresponding policy.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy at any time, to the extent we deem necessary in order to comply with new legal requirements, interpretations of legal requirements, technical requirements or to resolve any problems or disruptions. The prevailing Policy will at all times be available on NH Bemandings  websites.